Completion services


DLS casing and tubular running services are the right choices for efficient completion of casing, tubular running. When you need expert handling casing services, for any job from the simplest to the most challenging, we have the answer that minimizes rig time.

We have the most comprehensive and efficient suite of casing and tubing tongs. These tong systems include self-contained hydraulic power units custom-built and certified to the highest industry standards. Tong systems cover a wide range of sizes and torque capacities from small tubing through the large-diameter casing. Integrated hydraulic backups maximize accuracy and will produce efficiency in your operations.

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GDS provides a full range of oil and gas well cementing services, which are essential to maintain well integrity. Applications vary from different needs of our customers. Successful cementing operations result in a cement sheath to bond and support casing and provide good zonal isolation. Good zonal isolation helps prevent the loss of production, reduce water production, extend the lifespan of oil & gas wells. As a cementing services provider, GDS has accumulated rich experience to tackle the full range of complicated cementing challenges.

With its experienced engineering team, sustainable research, we contributed to successes on various applications. Specialists at our research centre are continuously developing new and more effective solutions to meet ever-changing cementing challenges. Starting as a local cementing service provider, GDS is pushing the technology envelope to become one of the international leaders of comprehensive cementing services.

Area of services includes:

  • Cementing Engineering Design & Optimization
  • Laboratory Test of Cement Slurry Properties, UCA Strength Test, etc
  • Cement Plug for Sidetrack, Well Abandonment, Lost Circulation Solutions
  • Cementing Chemicals
  • Field Cementing Implementation
  • Cement Bond/Sheath Evaluation.

MWD and LWD services

DLS offers LWD, and MWD technologies designed to reliably and effectively meet a full range of drilling operational requirements.

Directional Drilling

DLS offers expert directional drillers and proven technologies to provide the trajectory control needed to drill the well correctly, the high-quality hole required to successfully run and cement casing, and the precise well placement to optimize production and maximize recovery – all leading to drilling optimization for optimal efficiency and cost savings.

Jars and BHA Components Renting

DLS leases out various number of BHA products, such as axial and torsional jars for drilling and workover operations, BHA components (stabilizers, centralizers, dampers, bit protectors, string reciprocators).