

Coring is the service necessary to study the geological conditions of the formation. Laboratory studies of core samples provide vital data for constructing geological and geophysical models of subsurface, evaluate reservoir properties and etc.

Our experts are ready to provide you with coring service in various geological conditions – from weakly cemented rocks to rocks of maximum hardness and abrasiveness. Depending on the conditions and requirements, modern methods and solutions are used in coring processes, such as selecting an isolated core in fiberglass / aluminum / steel pipes using a special insulating agent and subsequent vaccination.

If necessary, DLS can provide an initial assessment using the gamma method. Based on your need additional solutions also can be applied, such as the use of telescopic core receiving pipes, logging recorders, oriented core sampling and others.

In addition, it is possible to study the physicomechanical and filtration properties of the core samples.

Coring service includes:

  • Development of working plan including selection the most optimal tools for concrete technical, technological and geological conditions.
  • Delivery of tools (core barrels with spare parts, core heads, fiberglass core tubes, boxes for core) to work objects or customer base point (under the conditions of autonomy or other transportation restrictions).
  • Maintaining an object by qualified engineers who have all the necessary office equipment and software.
  • Technological management of core recovery on the object.
  • Preparation of core recovery reports.
  • Delivery of recovered core to researching centers (if necessary).

DLS engineers successfully recover core with diameters 100 mm up to 30 m per run and 80 mm up to 10 m. The positive dynamic of service volumes demonstrates the quality and effectiveness of core recovery by our specialists.

Sidetrack Services

We offer several effective solutions for sidetracking in a cased well as window milling or continuous casing section milling.

Directional Drilling

DLS offers expert directional drillers and proven technologies to provide the trajectory control needed to drill the well correctly, the high-quality hole required to successfully run and cement casing, and the precise well placement to optimize production and maximize recovery – all leading to drilling optimization for optimal efficiency and cost savings.